I have a friend who told me that he would like to be able to get into my head when I am painting. I�m not sure what he would find on a good day and I am fearful what he would observe on a bad one. But, I�m really glad he wasn�t near me when this painting was constructed. The original idea came from a reference photo taken in the marshes near Brunswick, GA.
I freely admit that in most of my landscapes, I make a few changes. I might move the location of a house, add a tree or take away a fence line. But in general, the painting reflects what I saw when I found the location. And, when I began to develop a painting of the two boats, with the exception of some minor changes, I attempted to paint them in the setting in which I found them. In fact, I didn�t do it once or twice but I tried it four different times. Einstein is credited with saying that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results each time. My attempts verified his thoughts because each one was the same as the previous � bad.
But regardless of the previous failed efforts, the boats stayed in my mind and I decided to make a fifth try. This time, I decided to change everything except the boats and experiment with a cloudscape in the background. I hope you like it because I think it works.
"Beached" The original is a watercolor
on 12� x 16� 140# cold press paper and is copyrighted by Gerry
Grimes, the artist. He retains all rights regarding copies and/or
reproductions regardless of the ownership of the original by
others. The original has been sold, but a few giclee prints are available.